
Congratulations, you have successfully applied the Accounting profile!

To get started, go to the Add Transactions tab and start adding dummy revenue and expense transactions (wasn't able to do this through the profile). If you want to start with real transactions, you may want to add accounts or counterparties by going to the Add Counterparties or Accounts tabs.


  • The currency is set as CAD with French Canadian currency format. This can be changed after the profile is applied.
  • Two groups have been created: Acctg-view and Acctg-edit. They are meant to be added as "visible by" and "editable by" groups for each of the tracker fields in the Transaction and Counterparty trackers. If you'd like to use them, assign them manually for each tracker field (wasn't able to do this through the profile).

Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin.

Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin.

Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin.

Enter the transaction information requested below and click Send.

Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin.

Enter the counterparty information requested below and click Send.

Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin.

Click here to view, add or edit an account.